I've just googled 'kitty' and apparently it means; 'a fund of money for communal use'.
How many of you girls (or boys) have contributed to a 'kitty' for a night out, or a day out, or a holiday..................... and then got seriously annoyed because you just felt like you're subsidising everyone else?
Personally, I like the idea of a 'kitty'. If there is a group of you and you're all going to be eating and drinking pretty much the same thing, then it makes sense to have a 'kitty'. Appoint one person as the 'banker', give them your dosh and then every time you have something to eat or drink the appointed person just pays the bill. Does it matter that one person had something that cost 50p more or someone had something that cost £1 less. Of course it doesn't. Well I don't think it does. Most people contributing to a 'kitty' work on the assumption that they're with like minded friends and maybe someone will have a more expensive meal but perhaps won't drink very much or vice versa. So, in theory having a 'kitty' is a good thing.
But let's face it; we all know people that don't do sharing?!
.........................And this is where the 'kitty' system breaks down. And this is why I'm just about to RANT???
The question is - If one has a 'kitty' with a group of friends, how much does one have to spend before it becomes 'an abuse of the kitty'? Ie, for example; there are four people in the 'kitty' and they are out for a meal and a few drinks. Three of the people order a burger and a glass of wine each, costing £10 per person; other person orders a steak & half a carafe of wine which costs more than £30.
I'd like to know your thoughts peeps?
Personally; if I had wanted steak (and everyone else had been having burgers) and if I had wanted a half carafe of wine (and everyone else was only having one glass) I would have chucked an extra £20 into the 'kitty'.
My view is................................... If you have a 'kitty' and everyone is having the same thing, give or take a couple of pounds, then that's OK. BUT as a 'ranting middle aged spinster, I feel if one person is constantly taking advantage of the 'communal fund' or is constantly ordering the most expensive thing on the menu, just because they can.................. or someone is ordering something that is more than £10 what everyone else is ordering.......................... then maybe the 'kitty' system is not the best way to go.
It's a shame really because if one is out with friends, one shouldn't abuse the 'kitty' system. But unfortunately people do and unfortunately a lot of friendships break down because of this.
Is this a RANT or just a 'reflection on today's society'???