Thursday, 8 November 2018

How many 'likes' have you got?

Obviously I am on social media because I am a very hip and trendy 'Ranting Middle Aged Spinster'??!!

Last night I went to the cinema.  I went to the cinema to see 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.  And very good it was too.  Absolutely loved it. I went with a friend, who had already arranged to go with another friend (that I had never met before).  And here lies the problem???

…………….We all posted photos of ourselves having a fabulous time...……………….. on social media???  ....................Well, that's what people do these days isn't it?

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  A friend, of my friend, then commented that she'd not had an invite?

FFS...………………… Life moves on.  #Getoverit

To explain...…….. I wanted to go to see the movie, friend said she was going with another friend.  I then asked if I could go with them.

…………..And actually why on earth does anyone care how many likes they get on a FB post?

I actually find it quite sad that no one actually talks to anyone these days.

Soooo...……………… we all post our whole life on FB or Instagram or Snap Chat or wherever?  And everyone thinks that everyone else is having a more fantastic time than they are?!

My problem with this is...…………..  my 'friend of a friend' sees everything on FB and thinks that everyone else is having a better time than her.  If she doesn't get invited to everything single thing that her friend is doing, or everything single thing that is posted on FB etc she goes into a major strop and doesn't talk to us for days/weeks.

Personally, I seriously can't be doing with this.  I'm almost at the end of my tether???

I grew up in the era when there were no mobile phones and no computers and if someone was being 'nasty' to you...……………. you were just told to ignore them...………….

'Sticks & stones can break your bones
But words can never hurt you.'

Obviously, as a 'Ranting Middle Aged Spinster', I'm probably a lot older than a lot of people here but seriously?...……..

.............................Why does it matter how many 'likes' you get on a FB/Instagram page? Who cares????    

Friday, 21 September 2018

Video chat interview

Technology is all a little bit confusing.

Today I had my very first 'video chat interview'.  What is a 'video chat interview', I hear you ask?  Well, it's when you have to hook up your computer to some 'remote' thingy and then you get to see someone on a screen asking you questions and you have to reply.  It's like an interview.  Except you're not talking to a real live person. You're talking to a face on a screen, asking questions that have been pre-recorded on a video thing.

You still have to get all dolled up in your interview gear, because after all, you're on show on a video screen.  And what is even worse............... you have to clean the house because the remote interviewees want you to be in a calm environment.  Ie, they don't want to see your dirty dishes in the sink behind you.

Mmmmmmm...................  Apparently it's very easy?!  For all of us over 50's almost 60s it's a total nightmare.  I tried to do it 2 days ago.  I couldn't make the link work.  I phoned my very techie nephew who said, 'All you have to do is copy & paste the link into Google Chrome'.  Mmmmmmm................Tried that.  It didn't work.  I'm not completely useless - I know what Google Chrome is???

Fast forward to today.  I tried again......................

..................And this time (haven't a clue how) I managed to access the link.  #Iamatechiegenius

Unfortunately, my techie skills are NOT VERY GOOD?!!

During my 'VIDEO CHAT INTERVIEW', I'm pretty sure I managed to record myself slagging off the company I was applying to for a job.  I told them that they had no personal service, their interview procedure was a joke and even if I got a job with them, I wouldn't want it.

Unfortunately I have absolutely NO idea what I have sent this company because I haven't got the 'techie' skills to 'SAVE' stuff on an external website.

I'm absolutely fed up with having to do everything single thing 'on line'.

Please, please, please, just bring back a teeny, weeny, little bit of personal service.

Sunday, 9 September 2018


I haven't ranted for ages because, to be honest, I haven't actually had anything to rant about.  But I'm a bit bored tonight so I think I might as well have a RANT about recycling.  Where I live there are 12 properties and although we all share a couple of big bins; we don't have any communal recycling facilities.

And just so that you all know...……………….  I personally think recycling is really important.  I'm all for saving the planet and all that.

What I am NOT in favour off...……………… is recycling when it doesn't work.  And it certainly is not working in a small seaside town in the South West.

In the town where I live a pilot scheme has been in place for the summer so that the thousands of holiday makers that descend on us each year, have somewhere to put their recycling.  It hasn't worked.  All summer the recycling bins have been full of general waste.  And I have to say; it's the same where I live.  Holiday makers either leave their brains behind when they come on holiday.  Or they just don't care.  Yes, they are paying a lot of money to come on holiday to my town.  BUT does that really mean that they have the right to disrespect it?

To be honest, I don't know a great deal about the recycling scheme that has been introduced into the town.  Apart from the fact that it failed.  What I do know is; the recycling boxes where I live have been totally, utterly and completely misused.  People have been putting in bags of dog poo, babies dirty nappies, food cans that haven't been washed out, etc.  They have totally disregarded the labels on the boxes and have put in bags of mixed stuff (which the recycling guys will not pick up) and to be honest, they've just been dumping any old rubbish in there.  What do they think is going to happen to it?  Who do they think is going to sort it out?  Would they really do the same thing at home?

Oh and while we're on the subject of recycling...……………..  I clean a couple of 'holiday let' properties...………………. One of them has just had a fabulous new kitchen fitted, complete with rubbish containers for recycling.  Do the holiday makers use these?  They do not.  They fill up all the bins with general waste.  And sometimes, when I go into clean, I'm really lucky...…………….  they've actually removed all the bin bags from the property and I think whoopee doooo.  Unfortunately 9 times out of 10, they've then had breakfast and have thrown all their breakfast debris, ie yogurt pots, banana skins, burnt toast, etc into a bin that they haven't bothered to put a bin liner back in.  Just what is the point of that?

I really do not understand the mentality of some people.  The majority of people these days can read, so why on earth would they ignore signs on recycling boxes telling them what goes where?  I guess the phrase 'silly season' is true.  It's very sad to say, but the 'school holiday brigade' of holiday makers really don't care.  And yes, they do pay a lot for their holiday lets, and actually; I can understand if they want to leave their holiday let in the worse condition ever, and I have to say they usually do.  BUT, plastic is drowning our world!  It won't affect me because I am a ranting middle aged spinster.   In years to come it will probably have a HUGE impact on the future generations of the these holiday makers who come to stay every year and think it's OK to just chuck a bagful of c*** into the recycling.

Recycling is really, really, important if we want to 'save the planet'.  Our children, grandchildren and future generations are at risk if we don't sort out this problem now.

OK rant over.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Yet another 'social media' posting!!!

I know I'm a 'ranting old middle aged spinster' but seriously, all this ranting and public shaming on social media is really getting to me.

Today two posts popped up on my FB page.  One was a full on photo of a guy who had asked to take his dog into a shop (and been refused because he wouldn't carry it) and the other was of someone who had witnessed a waitress licking her fingers and then serving customers.

Firstly...………... can I just say; I agree that dogs should not be allowed in 'food shops' and nor should staff in restaurants be 'licking their fingers'.  ...............But seriously...………………  Why does this need to be posted all over social media??  Both of these posts had umpteen comments within an hour.

Shit happens...…………………  get over it.

Social media isn't always a good thing...……………...

I'm pretty sure that both of these businesses are going to be destroyed by the negative comments that they have received.  Why do people, (and quite often people who have actually no knowledge of how that particular business is run), jump on the bandwagon and start making very derogatory comments.
People write reviews in the heat of the moment.  Take a step back peeps.  Think about it.  Do you really want to destroy someone's liviehood?  Instead of posting a review on the internet, why don't you actually go and talk to someone????

……………..You have a problem?  ……………….You don't like the fact that a dog isn't allowed in a shop?  Go speak to the owner and find out why?  You  see a waitress licking her fingers? Go and ask her if she's been 'Food Hygiene' trained.

Don't just hide behind a load of really negative comments on a FB page.


I feel really strongly that no one talks to each other these days.  No one communicates.  Everyone is too quick to leave a comment on social media.

Think about it peeps.

If you can't say it to their face then don't say it at all!!!

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Another 'social media' post!

What is it about people that make them want to post every single little irritating thing on social media?  A post has just popped up on one of my social media pages showing a 'white van'.  Full number plate and everything. Apparently it cut someone off going around a roundabout???  Happens all the time I would say.  Shit happens.  Get over it.  Have the people who post this sort of stuff on social media really got nothing else to do than photo a white van and post it on social media?

Actually...…….. have I got nothing else to do than start ranting about things that I've seen on social media???

We're all a bit sad!  Post first, reflect later.  We all need to start living in the real world again.

OK...………….. so a white van cut someone off going round a roundabout.  Stuff like that happens all the time.  It's not very polite, it's not the sort of driver one would wish to meet on the roads and to be perfectly honest, it's an example of very bad driving.  BUT...………………… maybe the driver didn't know where they were going, maybe they made a 'bad decision' at the last minute, maybe they didn't actually realise what a commotion they'd caused????

As I say; stuff happens.

But it seems nowadays that every time that someone makes a mistake, someone else either photos it or videos it and then it's plastered all over social media.  It's out there for the rest of the world to see.  And it's all very well saying that these negative posts can be deleted.  Of course they can.  But if they're not deleted within the first few seconds of being posted, then they're out there forever for the rest of the world to see.

The 'white van' post that I saw on social media this evening had been posted 7 mins before I read it and it had already racked up more than 60 comments.  Probably by now the police have been contacted and the white van driver has been traced and he's probably being charged right now.  And whilst I agree that his driving wasn't exactly the best, the photo of 'Mr White Van Man' had obviously been taken from the drivers side of the car following him.

…………….So lets just hope that the said driver has also been charged for taking photos while driving?????

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Social Media

I haven't ranted for absolutely ages; but today I am going to have a rant about social media.  And when I say 'social media', I mean Facebook.

I would imagine that the majority of you reading this RANT have a FB account.  I have to admit that I am totally, utterly and completely addicted to FB.

However.................. what I am going to RANT about today is....................... the growing abundance of the 'I LOVE (insert where you live here)' pages.  In my opinion, these pages are really useful for doing stuff like finding lost dogs and reuniting keys and lost bank cards with their owners.

What they're not really useful for is..................................  the growing trend for people to humiliate and publically shame people when they are just going about their normal day to day life.

I'm a member of two or three of these 'I LOVE (insert where you live)' sites and in the last week or so I've seen posts of someone trying to break into houses (which to me is actually a positive thing - it's alerted those of us in the neighbourhood to be more aware) but I've also seen posts of people having a disagreement over something which doesn't actually have anything to do with anything in the real world.  And then all of a sudden, there's more than 70 comments from other people who had actually nothing to do with the original disagreement.

Why do people feel the need to do this?

What is it about our society today that means that we have to conduct our whole life online?

In the 'good old days', we talked to people, we fell out and if we wanted to make up with them we did it in person.  These days, stuff gets put online and then everyone else sees it and thinks they can jump on the bandwagon and a weeny, teeny, trivial little problem seems to get blown out of all proportion because zillions of other people have commented on it.  It's mad!

I post a lot of stuff on social media and I am well aware that anything I post, is out there for the world to see.  However, what I don't do.......................... is post comments on the 'I LOVE (insert where you live) sites, or any other sites.  I don't do this for two reasons:

1   Anything you post is out there for the whole world to see forever.

2   I really can't be bothered to get involved with the petty dialogues that go back and forwards.  Obviously I like RANTING and sometimes, I'd just love to post a comment on some of the ridiculous posts that I see on these sites...........................  But I don't, because I'm trying to be the bigger person.  LOL!


For example, there's a trolley in the middle of the road on a Sunday morning?  Why doesn't someone just remove it and take it back to the supermarket?  Is it really necessary to post a picture on FB and start a huge dialogue about why a trolley was in the middle of a road early on a Sunday morning?  We all know why there's a trolley in the middle of a road on a Sunday morning.  .............Drunk people took it from the supermarket on a Saturday night and abandoned it.  Well that's what we'd all assume 30 years ago????

Does it really warrant a HUGE discussion on FB.  Yes, there's a problem in the area but why can't people just talk to each other.

Anyway, I really can't be bothered to post any more because if I did, I be like all these other mad people on FB who seem to have nothing else to do apart from post comments on stuff which doesn't actually have anything to do with them.


Tuesday, 6 March 2018

I want a water meter

In the last 15 years I have tried and failed (twice) to get a water meter installed in my house.  I am a single middle aged ranting woman who doesn't actually use a lot of water in the big scheme of things.  I've been told that I can't have a water meter so I get a 'single person discount'.  I'm not actually sure why I can't have a water meter.  All my neighbours have one.  So why can't I?

My water bills are almost £30 per month.  I live by myself.  I do not have a bath, (only a shower), I don't have a dishwasher, I don't have a hose pipe or a sprinkler, I don't use the washing machine every day.

I am paying a fortune for water that I am not using.  Living in the South West we are surrounded by water and yet we have one of the highest water bills in the country.  Why?

Anyway, I can't remember when I last applied to have a water meter but it must be a good few years ago now. So I thought I'd have another go.  As I said above................. all my neighbours have one so why can't I?

Years ago I think I just phoned 'South West Water'; they sent someone out and then told me I couldn't have a water meter.  Oh well, things move on..................... 

I've just gone online and now there is a form to fill out.  The form asks one questions such as; 'How many times do you flush the toilet in one day?'  Well I guess that depends on whether one is in for the whole day or is out at work or how much coffee or wine one has drunk????  How often do you use a hose pipe or a sprinkler or a watering can?  Well, I don't have a hose pipe or a sprinkler................... but yes if it's a hot summer I might use a watering can to water the plants on my balcony every day.  How often do you use the washing machine?  OK that's a bit easier - prob twice a week.

I haven't a clue why I've been turned down twice for a water meter.  As I say, my house is exactly the same as my neighbours.  I think 'South West Water' just told me I couldn't have one and I accepted it.  I accepted it because they are the 'so called professionals' and must know what they are doing.  And also they gave me a 'single person discount' because I live alone.  However, it's only recently that I've found out that my other single friends in the South West, who are on a water meter, only pay approximately £30 for three months.  #seriouslyannoyed

To be honest, I was happy to get a 'single person discount'.  I really believed that I was getting a 'good deal'.  I didn't want to go down the route of 'not flushing the toilet' and not 'watering a few plants' because it was going to cost me more.  I really, really, really do not want to turn into one of these people who is paranoid about how much water they use.

I want to be able to flush the toilet as many times as I want and I want to water my plants and I want to leave my dishes soaking in the sink and I want to use my washing machine whenever I want and I want to run the tap when I'm cleaning my teeth and I want to power wash my balcony every now and again and I want to wash my dog when she's dirty. 

............... And I want to be able to just turn on the tap and not worry about how much it's costing me.

BUT do you know what?!!!!................

.................After talking to loads of other people who have water meters........................ I'm definitely paying way  too much even with a single person discount.

I NEED A WATER METER!  And I am going to move heaven and earth to make sure I get one.


Saturday, 3 March 2018

Beggars and homeless people

Today I am going to have a rant about all the 'homeless' people who are pulling at our heartstrings because they are seemingly out in the cold with no where to go.

In the last couple of days I have been walking around in a Scottish city.  It has been absolutely freezing and 'Beast from the East' has certainly made it's presence known.  The buses stopped running, the schools were closed and we were on 'red alert', meaning that no one should go out unless it was absolutely essential.

Why then were all (OK probably a slight exaggeration) the homeless people still sitting on their bits of cardboard with their usual signs saying that they had fallen on hard times and needed to make enough money for a hostel for the night?!!

It has been absolutely freezing over the last few days and what I can't understand is why these people do not go to the shelters that have been set up for them.  And then I thought........................  they have no money, they have no phones, they have no access to the internet so they have no knowledge that they could actually go somewhere warm for the night.

I have to admit; when I see homeless people sitting on the streets of a big city I usually just ignore them.  I read an article, not that long ago, that a lot of the beggars in Scottish cities take the train in from places like Livingston everyday and then sit on the streets of Edinburgh and Glasgow.....................  And make more than £1000 per week.  That's one hell of a lot of money for just sitting around, even if it is cold?!  And apparently they get more if they have a dog curled up beside them??!!  #Imobviouslyinthewrongprofession

...................How many of you reading this RANT make that much money in a week???

The trouble is............................. how does one differienate between the ones who obviously know 'how to work it' and the ones who are in genuine need?  I have to say, rightly or wrongly, I normally just ignore them all. 

Yesterday, I actually spoke to two people who were begging.  I told them of a church that had opened its doors to anyone who was spending a night on the streets.  I told them where to go.  It was less than a 10 min walk away.  Apparently a lot of them won't go to these places because they have dogs.  Not sure if the place I was suggesting accepted dogs or not,  but the two people I spoke to didn't have dogs.  Or should I say; they didn't have dogs when I spoke to them.  I've since found out that a lot of these homeless/beggar people 'share' their dogs. Apparently, seeing an animal in need sends out very emotive messages.

I didn't give the two people I spoke to any money.  When I told each of these two people where they could get shelter from 'Beast from the East'; both of them just grunted at me and pretty much ignored me.

I feel I've done my bit.............................

.........................But perhaps I'm missing the point here.  I don't know??!!

Why would people, if they were genuinely homeless and cold and hungry with no money, not want to go to somewhere where they could be warm, have a bed and be fed??????????

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Beast from the East

I think I might have a bit rant about 'Beast from the East'?  Apparently the whole of the UK is going to be in 'Siberia type climates' by tomorrow.  Apparently people are 'panic buying', schools are closing, transport networks are not going to be operating, people are being told not to travel unless it's an absolute necessity, shops are running out of food..................  If we believe all the 'media hype' - the whole country is going to come to a standstill over the next couple of days??

We're being told to check on elderly neighbours and relatives to make sure they have enough food in,  we're being told not to go anywhere, we're being told this, that and the next thing?!!  Seriously?................

..................I can't be the only person who remembers the winter of 1963?.....................

I got a tricycle for Christmas and it was March before I could actually go out on it due to all the snow.  Shit happens - that's life!!!

In 1963 most people still didn't even have a fridge, let alone a freezer although I'm sure the cold outside weather was used a lot to preserve food.  Most people in 1963 didn't have a car.  Most people in 1963 had lived through World War 2.  A little bit of snow (OK a lot of snow) didn't actually phase anyone in 1963???

In 1963 people 'just got on with it'......................

..............We didn't have the internet or TV or the 'nanny state'! We didn't have central heating, or online ordering, or even phones.  It was cold.  Very, very cold.  But we had coal fires that we all sat around and we had hot water bottles when we went to bed.  Oh and we also had really thick 'winter pyjamas' that we wore between Oct-Mar.

We didn't go out 'panic buying' because..................... we didn't have cars to load up all our 'panic buying' stuff and we didn't have anywhere to store all our 'panic buying' stuff.  But most of all; we didn't go 'panic buying' because the phrase panic buying hadn't been invented, there was no need.

It was winter.  And in winter it snows.  'World War 2' had only recently ended.  Rationing had finished and we (our parents) were still living in the era of 'make do & mend'.

There were no 'media' announcements about how one should 'panic buy' and stock pile food for the next three months.  Well actually there might have been but  I'm pretty sure there wasn't?! (I'll google it just to be on the safe side. Lol)  I was only 4 years old and all I remember is not being allowed out on my trike!

Anyway to get back to 'Beast from the East'..................  It's totally ridiculous that the media has gone into 'hyper, frenzied, stupid mode'.  OK, it's going to be a 'bit cold' for a few days, but it's not like the majority of us are not going to have anything to eat?

This cold spell is going to last for a couple of weeks max and while I totally understand that we should all be checking on our elderly neighbours....................  I also think that the ones who are doing the 'panic buying' are the so called 'middle class' people who have probably got a freezer full of food at home.


Thursday, 15 February 2018

I don't do goggles

I haven't ranted for ages but I seriously need to RANT today.  Today I received these googles through the post.  I received these goggles through the post because at the end of last year I took part in the 'Aspire Swim the English Channel Challenge'.  (  I swam 22 miles in 6 weeks (the challenge was to do it in 12 weeks) and in the process raised £165 (or was it £185?) for charity.

To be honest, I wasn't doing it for charity.  I was doing it for myself because I had turned into a big fat slob and needed to lose some weight.  Mmmmmmm..................  I didn't lose any weight?!  Probably because I didn't cut down on the amount of wine I drink???  

Anyway, complete it, I did, and my lovely friends who donated to the charity were well impressed with my efforts.

About a month ago I received a certificate and also a medal from 'Aspire'.

Fabulous?!  I've got a bit of paper saying that I've swum 22 miles in 12 weeks (when actually it was 6) and I've got a tacky bit of ribbon with a plastic medal on the end?!

.................And today I received some goggles.......................

This is seriously irritating me.  I took part in the 'Aspire Swim Challenge' because I felt like I was a big fat slob and needed to lose weight  knew I could do it and I knew I could raise some money for charity in the process.

Sending me out 'tacky' gifts as a 'thank you' for completing the challenge is really annoying me.  The 'Aspire Swim the English Channel Challenge' was to raise money for people with 'spinal cord injury'.  As stated above, I did it because I felt like I was a bit fat slob and needed to lose weight knew I could do it and raise some money in the process.

I did not do it so that I could get a bit of paper saying that I had swum 22 miles.  I did not do it so that I could get a tacky medal.  I did not do it so that I could get a pair of goggles.  I hate goggles.  I have swum 22 miles without goggles.  Why on earth would I want a pair of goggles?

I 'googled' the goggles that I received and whilst I couldn't actually find the exact ones................... the cheapest adult Zogg goggles I found were £6.  And how much does it cost to print off a tacky certificate and send out a tacky medal???  How many people actually want these?  I, for one, will be chucking mine in the bin.  It's not exactly something that anyone would want to frame and put on the wall.....................  Is it?
From my point of view.............................  doing a challenge for a charity should be just that.................

Charities shouldn't be giving out 'freebies' that usually end up in the bin to people who are actually completing challenges because they want to support a charity?!

I haven't a clue how much 'Aspire' has paid for their marketing, but even if  they are only paying £1 per person for a 'certificate, a medal and some goggles' (and I'm sure it's going to be nearer £3/4).................. that's just ridiculous.

Charities need to STOP giving out freebies and plough the money they save from giving out these ridiculous freebies back into the charities that they are supporting.

...................And just out of interest............................

...................How many of you complete a 'Charity Event' because you are going to get a medal or a certificate at the end of it???????????????