Tuesday, 18 March 2014


What is dyslexia???

'Dyslexia' is (according to an online definition) - a general term for disorders that involve difficulty learning to read or interpret words, letters and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.

At the ripe old age of 55 - I've just done two online tests for dyslexia.  Both have come up with the comment - 'Your answers show a likely indication of dyslexia.  You may find it helpful to undertake a fuller assessment'.

I don't think so..........................

Why on earth would I want to have a fuller assessment to find out how 'dyslexic' I am.  If  I've survived 55 years without any 'extra help for being dyslexic' I'm sure I can survive another 55??

Anyway the reason for this RANT is because my sister was having a bit of a rant at the weekend because my 17 year old nephew's teacher hadn't been checking his notes??!!  And according to my sister he's dyslexic??

Notes???  Kids make notes about whatever they make notes about.  Should a teacher really have to check a 17 year olds notes.  I thought the whole point about AS/A levels was to train the kids up to work independently.  If my nephew was at a 6th form/higher education collage and not a school, would his mummy even be invited in to meet the teachers (or tutors as they would probably be called at a collage?)  Probably not.

My sister was having a right old rant at the weekend about the fact that one of my nephews teacher's wasn't checking his notes.  Why should he???  I'm sure the teacher was marking the finished assignment.

My sister tried to argue that because my nephew was dyslexic his notes should be checked.

Fair enough.  Good point. 

Unfortunately she followed this argument up with the fact that my nephew had worked really hard when he first went to secondary school and now didn't need any 'special help'.

I used to be an exam invigilator so I know that when sitting exams, the dyslexic kids either get extra time or they get a reader/scribe to help them.

I will freely admit that my nephew has problems digesting and organising information that he is reading.  However, whoever it was, that decided that he could be placed back in mainstream schooling, without any extra help, must have decided that for a reason.  And my sister must have agreed that.  My sister is not a stupid person.  I'm sure the school would have consulted her before they did this.  And if they didn't - then yes, she probably has got a fight on her hands.

Anyway the fact of the matter is - my nephew is no longer getting support for his dyslexia because he has been assessed and has been considered not to need it.

.....................So is my sister really within her rights, when my nephew is considering dropping a subject, to say to the teacher, 'Have you checked his notes because he's dyslexic?'  How on earth would the teacher know that he was dyslexic if he had been taken off the 'dyslexic register' when it was deemed that he didn't need any more specialist treatment????

My nephew isn't stupid.  But he doesn't want to go to university and why should he?  I'm not even sure if he wants to do 'A levels'??!!

My oldest nephew is very clever and always wanted to go to uni - so off he's gone.  Which is fine.

But everyone is different.

I don't know what my nephew wants to do.......................  I don't think he knows what he wants to do.

My sister wants him to do some sort of apprentice if he's not going to uni.................

Maybe he has got dyslexia, maybe he hasn't.  I really don't know?!!

What I do know though - is that he's not being allowed to just do his own thing - he hasn't a clue what he wants to do at this stage but my sister is trying to push him into an apprenticeship (because he doesn't want to go to uni) because it is the 'middle class' thing to do.  She doesn't want him just working in the bar/restaurant where he works at weekends for minimum wage and how much would he get as an apprentice???

OK - this was supposed to be a rant about dyslexia - I'll do a rant about a load of other stuff that I'm really mad about at a later date.

I'm just really worried that my nephew is being pushed into something he doesn't want to do because he has parents that want him to have a 'career' from the minute he leaves school??

.......................Or perhaps he's happy to do whatever his parents guide him towards??!!

 As a 55 year old 'ranting spinster', I can still remember what I wanted to do when I left school, & I can still remember doing what my parents wanted me to do when I left school.  My parents won!!

OK, OK, I must stick to the script - I didn't realise I have dyslexia??!!

Fortunately I love my life - dyslexia or not!!!

Every set back makes you stronger.
Every failure makes you strive more.
Every negative comment makes you fight to prove you're right
Every bully is a sad lonely person.

Live your life, laugh every day, love every moment.


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