Thursday, 11 June 2015

Instruction Manuals

Today I am going to RANT about 'instruction manuals.'

I am seriously not happy.

I have bought a 'fitbit' pedometer.  I want to measure the distance I walk every day. I want to be 'dead techie' and plot all my walking on my computer or on my  iphone.

Unfortunately I am NOT 'dead techie'??  I naively thought that my 'fitbit' would come with instructions.  My fitbit does not come with instructions.  It comes with a bit of paper that says (in 6 different languages), 'to set up, go to:'

OK, so I've tried that.  I got so far and then it asked me to sign in with a Facebook account or a Google account?? Tried signing in with a google account and it kept telling me that my 'user name' or password was incorrect.  Which it's not.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr....................

I don't really want to try signing in with my Facebook account because I have a fear of it infiltrating all my friends and doing stuff I don't want it to do.

Why on earth can products not just include a step by step 'paper' manual of what to do???

Why is life so complicated????

And at one point in the 'online set up procedure' it said, 'make sure the tracker is next to the computer'.  What on earth is the 'tracker'??????

These companies that sell 'techie devices' (that a lot of old people use) need to realise that us oldies OK middle aged trendy people haven't a clue about 'modern jargon'.  How on earth can I make sure the 'tracker' is next to the computer if I don't even know what a 'tracker is???  I just shoved everything that had come in the box next to the computer and it still didn't work.

And that brings me to the next RANT......................  The pedometer & all it's bits were in a box about 2inches square.  The packaging was about 10ins x 5ins.  Just how un environmentally friendly was that???

This whole thing is just doing my head in!!!

So I've done what any old middle aged trendy  person would do and have invited a couple of youngsters over tomorrow night to sort it out for me.  Yay!!!

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