Sunday, 3 May 2020


What is it with all these posts popping up on Face Book saying, 'I'm just posting this so that it pops up every year on my memory feed of how life was in 2020?' And then follows a big screed of stuff about how much petrol was and how schools were closed and how everyone was in lock down, etc, etc, etc.

Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE social history, so I can totally understand why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and reposting these sorts of posts. Obviously we all want to look back on our lives in this terrible time and be able to see what we were doing 20 years ago. BUT actually................... we're living in a digital world. So even if we don't re-post all this mundane stuff on our own timelines it will be out there somewhere in the world of cyberspace.

The price of petrol and the fact that shops were closed and schools/colleges/universities and pubs/restaurants may not re-open forever; will be reported for ever more on all the social media/news sites. We don't need to re-post all this stuff. This is the type of stuff that is going to be re-posted and re-ported in the news for years to come.

If people want to make memories, real memories about their lives that no-one else has access to; or memories about how they are actually living their lives in lock down; then these are the things that they should be recording. Because these are the things that are going to be important in future years.

We all know that schools have closed and in 20 years time we can google how children learned in this difficult time and we can google how much a litre of petrol cost in 2020 and we can google how people went shopping during lock down or how lock down impacted on everyone financially. We've all got 'apps' on our smart phones so that we can fill in a questionnaire every day about how Coronavirus is affecting our lives. BUT actually all these questionnaires are data bases. There is no room for any personal comment or query. Every single question has to fit into a box.

.............And I don't know about anybody else, but my life does not fit into a box!

To make memories in these really difficult times of lock down then we all have to record our own stories. We have to record what we're thinking, feeling, experiencing. Of course we can all add a bit of info into a database but how many databases do you know that actually record thoughts and feelings?

We all have to make our own memories. And, the only way that future generations will actually understand what we are all going through during the Covid-19 crisis is if we all personally record this somewhere.

Yes, a lot of stuff will keep popping up on FB feeds for years to come (& that's assuming FB will weather the storm) but I actually think if we really want to show what is happening in the world right now, then we need to stop filling in all these stupid data based questionnaires that seem to be popping up all over the internet and instead just start writing down our own thoughts and feelings.

Facts can always be googled later. How an individual is feeling right now cannot.

See you tomorrow.
Toodles xxxx

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